13 May, 2014

Paul was left his "Sword"-- Now he Brings "A Double Edged Sword"

Paul was left his "Sword"-- Now he Brings 
"A Double Edged Sword"

Paul the Apostle,once his name was soul,
he used his sword to kill people,

According to 1 timothy : 1:13 ; 
Although I was formerly a blasphemer,a persecutor and an insolent man;but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. (KJV)
Once he was a blasphemer,persecutor,and an insolent man,He was used his weapon to blame people,to persecute the people,but,when Jesus touched him,he was changed,he left his old weapon (Sword),Now he brings "A Double Edged Sword" i.e WORD OF GOD to preach the gospel and guiding the people,

According to Hebrews :4:12 ;
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,and of the joints and marrow,and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (KJV)
He was changed his weapon to preach JESUS,He changed his weapon as well as changed his life too,Once his name is soul now he become a Paul,Now he using Double Edged Sword to change the people,to guide the people,Great change in Paul,he left every thing for Christ,Now He ready to blamed by others for Christ,
He ready to persecuted by people for Christ,
That is real and an excellent change in Paul 

Dear friends what did you understood by Paul's life ?
r u changed your old weapon ? r u changed your old life ?
What is your old weapon ? your tongue ? 
May be you was used your tongue to blame others,to insult others 
Now you have to change your weapon, 
i.e you have to use your tongue to preach,praise GOD 

Your brain is your weapon ?
May be you was used it to think evil taught's ,
Now you have to change your weapon,
i.e you have to use your brain to think,meditate about word of GOD

Your money and health and wealth are your weapons ? ,
May be you was misused those all 
Now you have to change your weapon,
i.e have to spend money to GOD'S work ,and your energy to Work for GOD,We know many weapons are there in this world to miss use,But,as a true christian you have to use your every weapon to glorify the lord,Once Paul used sword to kill other people,but,after his change he brings "A Double Edged Sword"used his weapon to motivate the people to get eternal life.

Dear friend,you have to change now,this is the right time to change 
You have to change your weapon,and through your life you have to glorify the lord,Change your weapon today,use it to glorify the lord 
GOD Bless you all,amen

Thanking you ,
Holy Christ Evangelism 

08 May, 2014




1. Father,Forgive them ,for they don't know what they are doing
7 words on cross, in first word there is a PRAYER ,
JESUS begins every work with prayer ,even on cross he has spoken HIS 1st word contains prayer ,HE asking father to forgive them

They don't know what they are doing.......?
yes .they don't know
1.they don't know they are crucifying the Son of GOD
2.they don't know on that day world people has got salvation
3.they don't know Adam's generation sins cleared through
HIS precious blood
4.they ( Pilate ,Herod ) don't know...on one day they will
stand before JESUS for judgement
2.I tell you the truth,Today you will be with me in Paradise

In this word JESUS forgiven a thief who asking forgiveness
Here thief said that : remember me in your kingdom
how this thief knows JESUS has a kingdom....?
thief believed JESUS Completely,and asks for forgiveness,Here thief believed and JESUS forgiven him,JESUS forgives every one ,that's HIS greatness,Now a days people not believing JESUS has a kingdom,but,here a thief believed....
he is a thief ,he is a cruel man,but, HE Knows JESUS was a true Son of GOD and king of kings ,but ,JESUS own people (Jews) do not know or do not believed JESUS as their true king and savior

r u believed JESUS is true savior............?
r u believed JESUS is a king of kings .....?
r u believed JESUS has a kingdom..........?

Testify yourself .....

3.Dear women ,here is your son ,Here is your mother
in this word we have to learn a lesson about caring
JESUS has a responsibility about HIS mother,under these conditions also HE remembered HIS mother ,HE was given responsibility about her to HIS disciple john,we have much responsibility about our parents,
we have to care them in their old age,we have to respect them
JESUS is role model to every one to care their parents
care your parents ,GOD will care you ,amen

4. "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ?"-- which means,
"My God,my God, why have you forsaken me ?"
Here JESUS Asking Father why you forsaken me ?
Yes ,GOD was Forsaken JESUS to Forgive us
GOD Leaved JESUS Hand to hold our hand to save us
GOD sent His only begotten Son for us
That's the Greatest love of father GOD
JESUS Crucified for our sins ,GOD was scarified HIS Son for our sins
GOD soo loved us,that's the reason HE scarified JESUS for us
Thank you JESUS,Amen 


5."I am thirsty."
Here JESUS was thirsty
JESUS gonna thirsty on the cross
Think spiritually : JESUS is the source of living waters
But,HE gonna thirsty....?
YES, if we think spiritually HIS thirsty is "you and me" only
Give your heart to JESUS then HE will free from Thirsty
GOD'S desire is to replace Sweet heart in you rather vinegar heart
JESUS accepts your vinegar heart and clean it
so,Now only welcome JESUS in to your heart,HE will free from thirsty
Because HIS thirsty is "you" only ,GOD bless you

6."It is finished"
Its finished ,what finished....?
JESUS Completed HIS work ,HE brings the salvation to entire People of the world HE shut down the door to hell through HIS blood
HE made a path to heaven ,Who believes HIM they don't need to go to Hell,JESUS is a bridge between world and heaven,We have to go though this way it leads us to heaven,in this word JESUS got a victory
So, who believes HIM they do get victory against sin
on one day we too have to finish our journey in this land
We have to finish our journey with salvation
GOD bless you all

7.Father, into your Hands I commit my Spirit."
JESUS was committed HIS spirit in to father's hands
we too from father,so,we too need to commit our spirit to father hands
Soil is back to earth ,but our spirit will go to heaven (if we believe JESUS)
so,think your self my dear friend,what is the position of your soul after death ? We have to live for lord till death then only we will be in heaven
i hope you can ,GOD bless you ,amen

Dear brothers/sister ,every year we meditate these 7 words to glorify lord,not only these 7 entire bible words are important ,because bible is basically from GOD 
once again we have praise our lord JESUS for HIS precious salvation to humans 
GOD bless you all 

Thank you,

02 April, 2014

You Must be Holy because I am Holy........1 Peter : 1:16

You Must be Holy because I am Holy........1 Peter : 1:16
One Sinner how can made other Persons to Holy ...?
If your in darkness how you show the light to others ..?
Dirty Mud not able to clean uncleanness places
So,before we preach to others,first we must be Holy,otherwise quit

if we are in sin,how we can change others ..?
how we can preach to others ...? no no...
We must be Holy because we r Preaching Holy JESUS,
With out Holiness don't move to Preach ,Evangelism ..etc
You must be perfect your self ....
Next u can do Every thing for GOD
worshiping the other persons (or) statues as a GOD is unholy activity,
because statues are unholy ,once they are also humans like us at once
Statue was unholy ,how it can make you Holy...?
Statue is like a dirty mud ,how it can clean your heart..?
Some times we r better than those statues,,
we r Holy than that statues
so,don't believe that,think deeply,know the truth .....

What is Truth ...?
JESUS said that ,,i am the TRUTH
Our lord JESUS was source of Holy ,
HE lived Holily and preached Holily
There is no inch of sin in HIM......
so,we need to accept him as a true GOD and savior,
Know the truth,Fallow the Truth,Next only Preach the Truth
Proud be a Sons of Holy GOD ...and Introduce HIM to your Friends
In the name of our only Holy GOD JESUS ......Amen.....Amen..Amen....

Thanking you ,

01 April, 2014

Different doors have Different keys to open

Different doors have Different keys to open,
Different online accounts have Different passwords to open 
Different Diseases have different medicines to cure 
Prayer is only the key to solve Different problems,exactly 
In bible...
many persons faced different type of problems in their lives
But,they had used only the key to solve their problem.
That is.."Prayer "

Once Daniel and Babylon kingdom had faced a problem 
at a moment,
The king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams,where with his spirit was troubled,and his sleep brake from him,but he didn't know that dream as well as its meaning....He commanded to all his magicians,astrologers,sorcerers,and the Chaldean...The king commanded...if you will not make known unto me the dream,with the interpretation there off,you shall be cut in pieces,
and your houses shall be made a dung hill.....
on that particular time,every one in the kingdom of Babylon were shaken to their king words......
they tried in many ways to know that dream,but failed....
on that particular time Danial solved that problem,he told the dream and its meaning too,after that all are saved...... think here
how Daniel had solved that problems on that time ...? 
is he searched in Google to solve that problem....? 
is he assemble all people to one place and discussed....? 
is he searched it in any books ,or any other ways.....?
no no no ..........
but,how he solve that tough problem on that time....?
The keyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is to solve that problem is
" Prayer" 
He solved that problem by using the key.....that is "Prayer" 
That is the power of prayer...
its have much power to open every kind of doors
Now a days people are solving their problems by their own wish and wisdom 
they tried and tried in many ways to solve that problems,
if it not solved..
then that particular time they come to do Prayer.....
in their final moment people are using the weapon Prayer,
its soo sad 
we have a great weapon/key in our hand,but we didn't use it,
 soo sad
Daniel under tough moments he solved his problem by prayer,
on that period our almighty GOD was glorified
Mark 9:29 says : And he said unto them,
This kind can come forth by nothing,
but by prayer and fasting.
My dear friend,now you has known the power of prayer,
use it to solve your every problem,
GOD will surely answer to your prayer,GOD will solve your problems according HIS will....use it ..solve your every problem...don't use your own wisdom,
GOD bless you....Amen

Thanking you ,
Evangelist & Engineer


JESUS Said That 

Here we have to observe the word 
"THE" in front of the words WAY,TRUTH,LIFE
Where we use the word "THE" in front of the words.....?

Example 1 : i am Samuel but i am not "THE Samuel" ,
because many persons have the name Samuel in the world,
so,we didn't use "THE" in front of Samuel

Example 2 : We have moon and sun in space,
we called it as THE MOON,THE SUN
we are using the word "THE" in front of SUN and MOON
Why we are using "THE" in front of SUN and MOON......?
THE MOON means there is no another moon,
THE SUN means there is no another sun
Like that,now i am coming to spiritual point,
JESUS Said That 
I Am THE WAY means JESUS is only THE WAY to Heaven,
There is no another WAY
There is no another TRUTH
I am THE LIFE means JESUS is only provides 
no other one can
Many people in this world preaching JESUS also one of the way to Heaven..........Noooooo.......its absolutely wrong,
JESUS is only THE WAY to Heaven 
JESUS way is only reach you to Heaven ,
there is no other cross ways 
Dear friends believe JESUS,Fallow HIM,HIS way is some difficult because its a narrow gate but it only safely move you to Heaven ,
Amen ,GOD bless you all 
Go in to THE WAY,Fallow THE TRUTH,
And finally Achieve THE ETERNAL LIFE

Thanking you,

GOD has plan for You,With out Plan there is no Creation

GOD has plan for You,With out Plan there is no Creation
GOD use every one for HIS mighty things,
GOD doesn't have any partiality feeling,HE use every one

Example 1 : GOD was used soil to made Human ,

Soil is trampled by men on road,men trample the soil by his feet,

we won't place soil on our head ,but we place it under our feet

But,GOD was used this soil to made Human in HIS structure
Soil doesn't have any structure,but GOD was given HIS structure to Soil to made us,its not greatness of soil,
but,its greatness of GOD,

Finally to Relieve Humans from their sins GOD was came to this world in the structure of Human,Human body made by soil,that means GOD'S spirit entered in to human structure i.e in to soil..........What a greatness of GOD,HE used soil body to live in this world 33 1/2 years almost,But,there is no sin in HIM,
HE used this soil body for mighty works not for HIS enjoyment,
HE shed HIS blood from that soil body and HIS Resurrected from soil body on third day and lifted up to heaven with that soil body,
You too use this soil body to glorify the Lord JESUS CHRIST..
Finally Soil has a value by GOD,
GOD used this soil for greater things,so,
GOD was used dust also ,why not you man ?

Example 2 : GOD was used donkey (Ass) to Preach to Prophet
Balaam is a prophet of Israel,but he was not an Israelite,He was hired by Balak,king of Moab,to curse the Israelite's,he didn't believe in the Lord as the only true God,one day he passing through his way he scolded his donkey,GOD was given voice to that donkey and it begins to talk with him ,what a miracle,
GOD was used an ass (donkey) to give the lesson to prophet Balaam,Although he realized the power of Israel's God his heart was occupied by the wealth he could gain in Moab.

Like that,Many examples we have in Bible
The person who reading this passage,you know GOD will use you ?
one day in HIS time for HIS mighty work HE will use you
GOD was used soil and donkey for HIS work,why not you ? ,
surely HE will use you,its truth,but you need to fallow HIM,
you need to walk with HIM
GOD doesn't have any partiality feeling,Every one are HIS child's,
for every one HE died on cross,for every one HE is coming in soon

Dear friend,GOD has plan for you,you need to surrender to HIM,
its enough,Just have faith on HIM,GOD will use you,GOD will guide you,GOD will bless you,Amen......Amen....Amen

Thanking you

05 January, 2014

Satan was introduced Sin in Human life, But Lord JESUS was introduced Salvation for Human

Satan was introduced Sin in Human life,but Lord JESUS was introduced Salvation for Human,Satan was already Sinner and wants to made us as Sinners,JESUS is Holy wants to made us as Holy,Satan's world is dark world and wants to bring us to that dark world,But,JESUS world is Light world and HE wants to bring us to that Light world,Basically Satan nature is Sin and wants to made us as sinners,But,JESUS is basically Holy Son of God and wants to made us as Holy People,Satan wants to kill us,JESUS wants to provide eternal life to us,Satan mislead word of GOD,But,JESUS Guide us with HIS word,GOD made human in HIS structure to Praise HIM,but Satan made this flesh to do sin,.....that's it
Finally you have to question our self's...
for whom you belongs to...?
Whom your fallowing...? JESUS (or) Satan....Think....Question 
your self now,Don't fallow Satan activities it lead you to Hell,
Fallow JESUS,HE only leads you to Heaven....No other one can,Through JESUS only we will reach to Father's kingdom...
No other ways,All other ways lead you to hell,its obviously truth.

My dear friend in JESUS,Listen word of GOD,Must fallow HIS precious words,otherwise one day you will cry..cry..cry....Try listen to HIM,Don't busy with world,but busy with word of GOD,Word of GOD soo powerful,It breaks Satan's every useless activity,Use it to break Satan's activities,GOD will guide you,GOD bless you,Amen

Thanking you,
Evangelist & Engineer
Holy Christ Evangelism