15 December, 2013

A Good Shepherd Birth information to Shepherds in Bethlehem

A Good Shepherd Birth information to Shepherds in Bethlehem,
Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd Who Is Gathering His Flock,
On the day of JESUS CHRIST birth in Bethlehem an Angel of Lord Appeared to Shepherds to give the information about A Good Shepherd Birth (JESUS CHRIST Birth) in Bethlehem
"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you,He is the Christ the Lord".....Next they went to visit JESUS in Bethlehem,
Why GOD has sent His angel to Shepherds....? 
Why not to others...?,
why GOD was preferred them on that day.....? 
In my opinion Why because,Till that day Every human sin was cleared by sheep's blood,if any one did sin against GOD they just went to Shepherds home to buy a sheep and sacrifice it to clear their sins,But after birth of JESUS no need to sacrificing sheep's for humans sins,Because THE LAMB OF GOD has came to this world on that day to Scarify for us,That's why...GOD has sent an angle to Shepherds...From now on wards No need your (Shepherds) Sheep's to sacrifice to clear your sins Because GOD has sent HIS LAMB for Every Human,JESUS CHRIST was born to die for our sins,Jesus Is the Good Shepherd,the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep,So,My dear friends,if you believe JESUS,you also HIS sheep,our Shepherd was lays down his life for us on Cross....
are you HIS sheep....?,How can you become HIS sheep....? 
Just Listen HIS words and fallow it,JESUS said that...
My sheep hear my voice,and I know them,and they follow me (John 10:27)
Dear bro/sis ,Believe JESUS,have become HIS sheep,
The real Sheep's Listen HIS words and fallow it,are you HIS real sheep....? Testify yourself now....Hope you listen HIS word on every time to become a Good sheep of Good Shepherd

GOD bless you all,Amen

Thanking you,
Evangelist & Engineer
Holy Christ Evangelism


29 November, 2013

Don't make Portions/Partitions in your heart Allot your whole Heart to God

      Don't make Portions/Partitions in your heart,Allot your whole Heart to God,Many people did partitions in their heart,they fill their heart with different kinds of natures,they enjoy with it,they are allot whole place to every world activities in their heart,they are made partitions in their hearts,so,they allot place to every sin activity,they balance both Satan and GOD in same heart,they allot some place to Satan,they allot some place to boy/girl friends,some place to sinner movies,some place to enjoyment,some place to cruel activities,some place to adultery activities,and finally they allot some place GOD too....but,GOD don't like this,HE want occupies your whole heart not a separate portion in your heart,HE want to live in your whole heart not in a particular partition...if light enters darkness will be run away,so,we need to have the Lord in our whole hearts no other one can,we have to love all people but we have to allot whole heart to GOD only....so,my dear friends don't make partitions in your heart,make it as one,and allot its whole place with God's love,and every spiritual fruits wt GOD was mentioned in Galatians 5:22 in Bible,i hope the persons who reading this message will remove their every sin activity and allot whole place in your heart to JESUS,
GOD Bless you every one ,Amen ,Amen 

Thanking you,
Holy Christ Evangelism

Human life is like a journey of Israel people from Egypt to Palestine


Human life is like a journey of Israel people from Egypt to Palestine,we are relieved from Satan's yoke Egypt i.e Earth,Now we are the track of JESUS,JESUS had relieved us from sinner world and leading to Palestine i.e HEAVEN,in this our journey we are facing many troubles like red sea,but ,GOD can able to split the sea and solve the problems for us,because,we all are under the shadow of Almighty GOD,SO,HE can lead us ,Guide us ,Protect us,and Provide every thing for us,but ,the problem is with the persons not able to standstill in this journey,they spoil their spiritual life's in the middle of the journey due to problems like sea, troubles like marah,
disturbances like wars.....but,GOD can provide and fulfill us with every thing if we standstill for HIM ,HE was do war for us,and convert marah into sweet i.e problems into peacefulness..only two men (jashuva, Caleb) reaching the final destination,like that many people r strong in the beginning of spiritual life journey,but they not able to continue the journey till death..so,some people only reaching the Palestine i.e HEAVEN,so sad...... :
Plz correct every one with word of GOD,depend on GOD ,
and save your Faith till death...and reach our destination point i.e HEAVEN....JESUS was our leader and the way,
and every thing in this spiritual Journey...Amen

Thanking you ,
Evangelist & Engineer

25 November, 2013

Discover the GOD but don't invent the GOD

Discover the GOD but don't invent the GOD
Discover means have to find out which is already existed,Invent means we have to make new thing,GOD was existed before the every thing was existed,GOD does't have the beginning and ending,because HE is alpha and omega,so,we have to discover true GOD who created the heaven,earth and entire universe,but in the world people are foolishly invented statues as a GOD,creation as a GOD....its simply foolishness of human mind,GOD made us but we are not able to made GOD,we all are one of the creation by GOD like all other creations,so,know this truth,fallow our true savior Lord JESUS,discover HIM,HE was ready to appear to you as a POWERFUL WORD (BIBLE),discover every spiritual blessings through HIM,discover every power in GOD,and try to receive it ,and use it to glorify the lord ,but don't invent Statues as a GOD and don't invent your own principles to lead people in to hell,JESUS CHRIST is only the way to HEAVEN,many people discovered HIM and fallowed HIM and made their life is a beautiful,
and achieved eternal blessings,so,, u too my dear friend...
GOD bless you.......Amen

Thanking you,
Holy Christ Evangelism

We are Not Here to Question The Lord, but We are Here to Worship The Lord

We are Not Here to Question The Lord,but We are Here to Worship The Lord,Don't Question the lord about your problems,but try to ask HIS Help,Don't argue with GOD,Try to know HIS plan about your life,Now a days people hurry to Question the Lord but not hurry to humble to HIS WORD,its soo sad,According to Amos:3:7...GOD doesn't do any thing without inform HIS works to People,Ask the Lord about HIS plan in your life..but don't Question HIM....? like ..Why like that...? Why like this ....?,if you did mistake ask HIM for forgiveness,if u didn't do any mistake ask him for Help,how you know u did mistake or correct,just come to presence of Word of GOD and do Prayer,GOD tells about your position,,But,don't Question The Lord,HE is almighty powerful GOD,Don't behave with GOD like the way you behaving with other people....we just knows the past and present but,GOD knows every thing means future too,so,Respect HIM,Worship HIM,Clarify your doubts with humble manor.... GOD Bless you all,Amen

10 November, 2013

In my Life Journey when i crossed the CROSS i was founded salvation at there

   In my Life Journey when i crossed the CROSS i was founded salvation at there,when i observe that cross my Heart says "Repent about your sins",i obeyed to that words,i was Repented about my cruel sins,next,A man on the cross said "This Every thing is for your sins and Accept me"I obeyed HIS words,from that day on wards i am free from my sins,Next,i go through the scriptures i found the Greatness and Power of GOD,i was understood HIS plans about the world,i was impacted by the WORD OF GOD,Next,GOD sent HIS HOLY SPIRIT TO ME,now i am writing these words by the help of HIS HOLY SPIRIT,finally i agreed with out GOD i am nothing,nothing ,Thank you JESUS ,Amen

Thanking you ,


The Greatest Word in the World Forever is "Forgiveness"

     The Greatest Word in the World Forever is  "Forgiveness"

Who Forgive our Sins...?  A sinless Person Able to Forgive our Sins
Who is that Sinless Person...? HE IS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST only,There is no Sin in HIM,but,HE crucified for Sinners,In the Bible from Genesis to Revelation Blood was shed for Humans individually,now a days some country people till 
fallowing this Procedure,soo sad :(
But,Our Lord JESUS was Shed HIS Precious blood at a Time for Everyone,Now,We don't need to shed Animals Blood,JESUS already Shed blood for all,Through HIS Blood we got forgiveness to our Sins,Thank you JESUS..we got Forgiveness through Your Blood not through Animals Blood,Animals Blood may not contain Purity but JESUS Blood have 100% Purity,Thank you my Lord JESUS....Amen

Thanking you,
Holy Christ Evangelism 

04 November, 2013

Human Heart is a Poisoness


Human Heart is a Poisoness,long ago Satan was injected Poison in to human heart,There is no sin at once,but,Satan introduced Poisoness sin in to human heart through temptation,from that thing human heart,brain,..every thing was addicted to sin,our blood contain Poison, a virus of sin leads us to Hell (second death) 
So,How to kill our Poisoness sins .....?  
To kill our Poisoness sins we need a Precious Person Blood  
who is that Precious Person.....? 
HE only contains Precious Blood ,no other can have,only JESUS contains Precious and HOLY Blood,HE came to this world as a human and shed HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD to kill our Poisoness sins,JESUS died for every one,because every one contain Poisoness blood ,through JESUS only we will be in HEAVEN,so, accept HIM ,HE kill your Poisoness sins,and made you as Powerful Person,HE will give HIS Powerful Holy Spirit to you,to Energize Your Soul 
GOD bless you all ,Amen 

Holy Christ Evangelism  
Evangelist & Engineer  

20 October, 2013

Storms are Temporary only, The Sun(Son of GOD) always shines

Storms are temporary only – the Sun (Son of GOD) always shines afterwards,Storms does not effects us continually,it just pass over season wise on us,If it Passover daily in our life's we are not able to bare it,that's y it just effects us on season wise,but,the Sun daily shine up on us ,Sun daily visits us

like that ,My dear friends in Jesus some times in our life's we r facing many storms,it just temporary only,there is time limit for it,
it will stop and clam on one day,GOD helps us to recover from every problems and troubles in our life's,Shining of Jesus always pass over on us,we don't need to fear,
because HIS Glory is permanent ,no end to it
In Bible...
1.Joesph passes through large storms ,but He stand for lord in his troubles and temptation periods also,finally glory of GOD shines on Joesph ,GOD made him the prime minister of Joseph.......
like that we too must face Storm to receive Shine from Son
2.David also passes through storms , he passes through death attacks from his king soul,but he stand for GOD under that pressure conditions also , he didn't made any mistake,
finally GOD sits him on throne of Israel....
like that we too must face Storm to receive Shine from Son
3.Paul also passed through many storms in his life,he didn't turn back,he saved his faithful life till death,finally GOD made his life is a great inspiration to everyone...
like that we too must face Storm to receive Shine from Son
But, now a days people r fell down in sin through problems

Some times Problems are the key to receive the Shining of JESUS,but not to fell down in Sin,under pressure conditions GOD watching over spirituality,we must save our Faithful life's under any circumferences ,its need ,before Shine there is a Storm,accept Storm,but don't fell down in sin, Stand for Lord,GOD will bless you
Accept Storm but not Sin,Pass through Storm but not through Sin

Accept Storm to receive Shine from Son of GOD..........Amen

Thanking you,

Evangelist & Engineer

The Basic nature of Satan is to make you separate from GOD

The Basic nature of Satan is to make you separate from GOD,
Satan always disturbs the works of GOD and it tries Spoil the GOD'S kids life's,Satan knows our weakness,some times we didn't know our weakness wt we have , but Satan knows our weak point,it will attack (or) tempts you through your weakness,if you fell down in Satan tricks u loose your life,your every thing ,on judgement period Satan will not apologize about you in front of GOD,it will not support you,but Satan only makes you as sinner,but,
Satan can't support you on judgement period

Example: in garden of Eden Adam and eve did sin ,they listen Satan words and they fell in sin..on evening time,GOD called Adam and eve ,they said ..wt they did already against GOD...on that period GOD punished both of them in different way, they listened Satan words, Satan only made them as sinners..is Satan apologize about their sin in front of GOD....? is Satan recommended about Adam and eve about their mistake in front of GOD....? ,
NO ,NEVER,..Satan just escaped,that's the nature of Satan,it tempted Human and simply escaped from that place,
Dear friend...r u getting my point..?

Are u understood dangerous nature of the Satan...?,Satan was creator of sin ,and creator of the activity which is opposition to GOD,finally Satan makes you far away from GOD,..so sad :( its so sad :( ,Satan separates the children and the father,GOD was made you in HIS nature,but Satan made you as sinner ,
so ,my dear friend what is your weak point now....? ,think deeply now ,Satan concentrate on you to fell down u in sin through your weak point ,don't give chance to Satan ,don't give up ........Plz ,
so......., till now your learned about Satan tricks,we have learn how to face Satan tricks also,how you attack against Satan...?  use your weapon which is given by GOD ,what is that weapon...? 
in Luke 22:49 ,JESUS said that.....Get up and pray so that you will not fall in to the temptation...so, Get up my dear friends ,
till now whether you r in spiritual sleep ,
Get up and pray ,then you not in temptation...its only simple way to get victory on Satan ,if you kneel down to pray ,Satan will run away from you,because Satan knows the POWER of PRAYER,
it will run away.....USE YOUR WEAPON PRAYER
GOD always want you because HE made you,HE wants to help you,HE ready to guide you,GOD said....Pray ..Pray ...Pray......
SO, WE MUST Pray...Amen :)
Hope you can ,you will , 
in the name of JESUS we will get the Victory ......AMEN

Thanking you,


27 September, 2013

There is a Cross before a Crown

There is a Cross before a Crown
so, pick up your cross and fallow JESUS
with out Cross there is no Crown
Living Truly for GOD is a Cross,with Cross your life will be a War,but there is a Christ beside of you to do war for you,don't worry...because you are under the shadow of Almighty Protection,so, walk with JESUS by pick upping your Cross,

1st step in Cross ..Live perfectly for GOD with prayerfully,its must
2nd step in Cross..........Depend on GOD for every need ,its need
3rd step in Cross..........Do GOD'S evangelism truly,it's important
4th step in Cross..........Save your HOLY life till death , its great
then ,finally ........there is Crown is waiting for you
Christ will help you while you r baring the Cross

in Galatians 6:14,Apostle Paul said that ....But God forbid that I should Glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world (KJV)
that means we have to happy with Crown of Christ,
not with other ..Amen
Paul was picked up his Cross and fallowed Christ under any circumstances & situation, finally he was finished his journey successfully....so, HE said ..there is a Crown was ready for me

My dear friends in JESUS, do u want Crown ...........?
so, why late..? ,pick up your Cross and Fallow Christ
fallow above four steps,don't jump to forward ,walk slowly with JESUS in your every step,don't neglect any step ,you have to climb through every step ,this is the successful manor to get Crown,Amen
Don't leave Cross in middle of your journey ,on that particular period ,just stop your work simply PRAY ,ask GOD for help ,GOD will send HIS mighty angles from Heaven to helps you ,because angles are servants to us ,oh...GOD,..thank you for making angles as a servants to me......we have to finish our life journey successfully , don't be busy with world activities ,Satan always wants to make u away from the Cross & Christ,if you neglect Cross with Christ you will loose your Crown ...my GOD,never give up to world useless Satan activities....otherwise you will suffer by loosing Heaven & Cross,GOD bless you all , i hope we all will receive the Crowns from GOD in Heaven,GOD will guide you ,
GOD will helps you, Amen 

Thanking you ,

When you see a rock, God sees water in the rock

When you see a rock, God sees water in that rock.
like that,when you see problems in your life ,
GOD sees the solution for your problems,when you see sickness in your body ,GOD sees the medicine for your sickness ,That Rock is our lord JESUS CHRIST only ,we have see living water in that Rock,Because JESUS was the source of living water,My dear friends in JESUS,be Faith on GOD, you will see wonders in your worries,by faith only we will see wonders in our life's,we have to enjoy in troubles and play games with our problems,because we all r under the shadow of almighty Protection, the GOD of Israel never sleep ,because HE was not a statue or human to take rest & sleep,HE protects u,GOD was watching you ,always be faithful to HIM ,we have to fallow our LORD JESUS ,we have to live like JESUS,so,we have to see water in rock by faith because our GOD already did it,GOD will helps you,Guide you, Bless you,so,don't worry when u r in trouble , just see the solution for it by faith and according to GOD'S WILL,pray and ask solution for your trouble ,GOD was already opened door for you , but , 
you only not believing HIM completely :( , 
trust HIM strongly :) ,You will be blessed spiritually,
mentally ,physically ,financially and healthy.......

Thanking you ,

There is a Blessing behind in every Burden

There is a Blessing behind in every Burden
Don't loose your Faith when you r in trouble,u have to save your Faith in trouble Periods too,saving the Faith in normal periods is common thing,but, saving your Faith in trouble Periods is important ...........GOD was watching your spirituality when your trouble periods especially,you have to save your Faith,then only GOD can send HIS mighty blessings to your life ,Save your Faith ,don't under estimate GOD ,HE was the source of Mighty Power,HE was created universe with simple word ,like that HE will clear your problems with simple word ,no matter that the quantity of your problem ,if you have Faith on GOD,that mighty GOD can command the universe to make you happy and to save you,we r the precious kids of GOD ,so universe can obey our GOD'S word....
say to your problem ,,,,,,,
hey problem..my GOD was able to break you ,my GOD able to smash you ....... don't see your problem it may confuse you ,discourage you ,see...the commander of the universe....you can achieve every thing according to GOD'S WILL 
we should see the mighty face of JESUS and then run with great energy to fulfill your Goals according to GOD'S will .......................Amen ...Amen...........Amen 
GOD bless you all ,be happy in JESUS always,save your FAITH 

  Thanking you.
Evangelist & Engineer
Guntur,Andhra Pradesh,INDIA

Do you want more CONFIDENCE .....?

Do you want more CONFIDENCE .....?
According to world people thinking ,if any one have CONFIDENCE they didn't have any FEAR........,that means... ,
if you want CONFIDENCE.... you have to eliminate FEAR in your life ,If there is CONFIDENCE there is no FEAR.
But..according to Bible .....Proverbs: 14:26
In the FEAR of the LORD there is strong CONFIDENCE....
yes dear friends ..,we need to have FEAR of the GOD to get more CONFIDENCE and dare,otherwise we fear about the world .
some people in BIBLE have more FEAR of the GOD to get CONFIDENCE,,,,,

David was good spiritual person ,he worship GOD even in work,he spend more time in GOD,and finally he got presence of the LORD ,
David had fear of the GOD ,so he worshiped GOD with more pleasure ,so HE got CONFIDENCE to kill Goliath
David have fear of the GOD ,not fear of the world people ,
so he had much CONFIDENCE to kill lion ,bear,..and Goliath ....
his king soul didn't FEAR to GOD ,so he didn't have CONFIDENCE to kill Goliath,he (soul) did much sin against GOD without FEAR ,so ,he(soul) didn't have CONFIDENCE ,but DAVID have fear of the GOD,he had killed Goliath very easily
finally DAVID proved ,,if any one FEAR of the GOD ,

these people in babylon government...these three persons are good spiritual persons and they strong in GOD ,and they FEAR of GOD ,so ,they got much CONFIDENCE
when the king Nebuchadnezzar command to worship statue ....
they didn't worship statue as a GOD ,they had much dare and CONFIDENCE ,,,,
and they said that...: Nebuchadnezzar..... we don't worship your statue as a GOD..do wt do you want...but we can't.......
like that they show their dare and CONFIDENCE in front of babylon king Nebuchadnezzar ,,,,,,,if they didn't have FEAR to GOD ,they may be worship that statute .... !....
how they got that dare and CONFIDENCE...?
because .....they FEAR to Almighty GOD ,they got CONFIDENCE 
and have greatest FAITH on GOD ,,,so,finally saved by GOD
finally these three persons proved ,if any one FEAR of the GOD ,they got much CONFIDENCE and DARE

like that many examples in BIBLE ..like Moses,Elijah,......etc
those all r much FEAR to GOD to get more confidence
with FEAR of GOD we will away from FAIR (hell)
r u have more CONFIDENCE now...............?
only one thing to get more CONFIDENCE and DARE is.
people says.....Eliminate FEAR to get CONFIDENCE and DARE ......but
BIBLE says ....
have FEAR to LORD to get CONFIDENCE and DARE
if any one have FEAR of GOD no need to FEAR to world......amen
so,my dear friends you too have much FEAR to GOD and follow HIS principles to get much CONFIDENCE ,
i hope you can.........amen :)

Thanking you ,
Evangelist & Engineer

Prayer with Patience Provides Peace in our Personal life

Prayer with Patience Provides Peace in our Personal life
In 1 Samuel chapter 1 ..Hannah had prayed for children with great Patience,she doesn't break Prayer in middle..but,,she had continued Pray in Spirit till her physical energy loss,because she had cried more ,..she praying silently and her lips were moving but she doesn't made no sound ,she desperate her problems in the presence of GOD,and finally she got Prophet Samuel as a child,
that's the Power of Prayer with Patience....
first she doesn't have any child's,but after Pray with Patiently she got a great Prophet as a kid ....PRAISE THE LORD ..
wt a great Power in Prayer....sometimes in our life's GOD only closes some windows to make us perfect in prayerful and spiritual life life's and next Fulfill with unbelievable Blessings....
same thing happened in Hannah's life....
GOD doesn't open her womb before Pray
but after her Pray GOD blessed her with a great Prophet as a kid
that's the Power of Prayer with Patience....so..my dear fiends ,..
r u have personal prayerful life with patience....?
test your self now ...... ! GOD was ready to bless you right now...
but u only making too late without prayerful life....
so dear friend..mistake is in your side only ,,
so correct yourself now only,
GOD was ready to fulfill you with great blessings .......
JESUS was same yesterday,today and tomorrow ,,,u r also a child of GOD like Hannah ,,,,,so HE was ready to bless you like Hannah
GOD doesn't have partiality feeling like humans ...
HE loved all equally .....
so,you too Pray..... receive unbelievable blessings from LORD,

Thanking you ,
Evangelist & Engineer

If you put your problem in GOD'S Mighty HAND, HE will put HIS PEACE in your HEART

If you put your problem in GOD'S Mighty HAND,
HE will put HIS PEACE in your HEART
GOD know everything about your problem ..
HE already have a solution for that,remember one thing .....
GOD knows Answer for every difficult question in your life,so,no need to worry about anything,,,,,GOD had already opened a big door for you ,HE closed just a simple window,but, 
you feel more tension about that closed window ....
if you have a FAITH on GOD ,u will be happy with opened door
TRUSTING the LORD is very important thing ....
GOD doesn't allow the troubles which you're not able to bare ...
HE knows your level of Faith and strength....according to that only HE allow....My dear friend finally what i am saying is ....
in our life we have to face and cross through more problems .....remember GOD is there..HE will help you,protect you ,
Guide you,we are not worshiping a statutes ,,WE ARE WORSHIPING LIVING GOD,but,,,the wrong thing in people is.....they're not strongly believe GOD ....they just believe GOD for just for worship in church for time pass,but,we have deeply depend on GOD in every minute ....our entire life have to lead by GOD only ....so,my dear friends ,if you have a trouble.....
quickly call to GOD by phone call (prayer)
not others help .....according to Psalm 118:8,its better to depend on GOD ,not other humans & kings , they're not reliable,GOD only greatest reliable .....so depend on GOD ,put ur every trouble in GOD'S hand ,HE put PEACE in your HEART . if u suddenly face any trouble ,,quickly call to GOD not to humans ,and to human leaders ....are you know the phone number of GOD to call............?  GOD'S phone number is Jeremiah 33:3
YES,...whether condition or signaling problems can't stop you to contact with HIM,,,,
i hope you can .......................... amen

thanking you ,
Evangelist & Engineer

Don't ask God for a easy life, Ask him to make you a stronger person

Don't ask God for a easy life, ask him to make you a stronger person.yes,my dear friends by problems only we can learn more ....

GOD doesn't said.......u don't go through the deepest darkness..but,
GOD said that....Even if you go through the deepest darkness ,no need to fear because I am with you ...........

GOD doesn't said.....you never pass through deep waters,,but,
GOD said that....you may pass through deep waters....but, No need to fear because your troubles will not overwhelm you ....

GOD doesn't said.....you never pass through fire ...but,
GOD said that ....you pass through fire ,but you will not burn ...

like that my dear friends ..in our life we r passing through many problems and troubles ...
But,remember one thing ,,,,nothing happening to us if we depend on GOD,GOD may not allow authority and commanding power to any other on us ......GOD was ready to relieve us from our troubles...
By troubles only our faithful life shine up ,,,we get the confidence next time to face more troubles without fear .....human life is like a spiritual training period,GOD BE WITH YOU AT EVERY TIME, ANY WHERE ,IN ENTIRE YOUR LIFE
My dear friend ,....don't afraid about any thing ..
don't loose Hope,Because our GOD was much powerful than our problems ,HE was a living GOD ,HE had already solution to your problems,Just walk with faith on JESUS,Fallow HIS word,You will be Succeed ..amen
Be happy in GOD my dear friends,our real life not on this earth,we have Greatest happiness in soon in HEAVEN ,we combinedly worship our most Powerful Almighty GOD there ........... :) :) 
thank you JESUS for this Hope ... i love you my GOD

Thanking you ,
Evangelist & Engineer