25 November, 2013

Discover the GOD but don't invent the GOD

Discover the GOD but don't invent the GOD
Discover means have to find out which is already existed,Invent means we have to make new thing,GOD was existed before the every thing was existed,GOD does't have the beginning and ending,because HE is alpha and omega,so,we have to discover true GOD who created the heaven,earth and entire universe,but in the world people are foolishly invented statues as a GOD,creation as a GOD....its simply foolishness of human mind,GOD made us but we are not able to made GOD,we all are one of the creation by GOD like all other creations,so,know this truth,fallow our true savior Lord JESUS,discover HIM,HE was ready to appear to you as a POWERFUL WORD (BIBLE),discover every spiritual blessings through HIM,discover every power in GOD,and try to receive it ,and use it to glorify the lord ,but don't invent Statues as a GOD and don't invent your own principles to lead people in to hell,JESUS CHRIST is only the way to HEAVEN,many people discovered HIM and fallowed HIM and made their life is a beautiful,
and achieved eternal blessings,so,, u too my dear friend...
GOD bless you.......Amen

Thanking you,
Holy Christ Evangelism

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