27 September, 2013

Satan Temps You,but GOD Tests you

My dear friends try to know the difference between 
In BIBLE Satan tempted may persons.
1.Satan was tempted eve,but eve fail to win on that temptation,Result was sin enter in to the world 
2.Satan was tempted Joseph,but Joseph was won that temptation,Result was GOD was Blessed Joseph in top level.
3.Satan was tempted David,but David also fail to win on that tempt,Result was David have to do another sin by kill Oriya .
4.Satan was tempted Gehazi ,Gehazi fail to win on that temptation,Result was leprosy.
5.Satan was tempted our LORD JESUS,But JESUS never fail,
HE was succeed,
Result was most valuable Salvation to US ,Thank you Jesus for your valuable salvation...Jesus....Plz help to all people to win their different temptations..

In BIBLE GOD was TESTED many Persons
1.GOD was tested Abraham,But Abraham was passed on that Testing,Result was Blessed descendants...and GOD was made him father to all believers.
2.GOD was tested job ,job also was passed on that Testing,Result was DOUBLE PORTION OF THE BLESSINGS.
My dear friends in Jesus ,you also facing many tests from GOD,ask GOD to Pass in HIS tests..GOD will help You,and you can also will get Blessings...if you can pray to GOD,HE will surely helps you to face either Satan's TEMPTATIONS or HIS TESTINGS ............THANKS LORD,AMEN

Thanking you,
Evangelist & Engineer

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